This is unlikely to be committed, as it reverts an SA and code already on -RELEASE branches.
It serves, however, the purpose of a reference implementation.
The current code corresponds to the following commits (
- Revert 46d7b45a267b3d78c5054b210ff7b6c55bfca42b
- Revert d9cacf605e2ac0f704e1ce76357cbfbe6cb63d52
- Ignore alignment errors (d9cacf605e2ac0f704e1ce76357cbfbe6cb63d52 was created to fix this precisely)
- Unskip some failing tests/fix/add some tests
- Remove #ifndef icmp_data guards (these vestigial guards were only needed on <= 4.2BSD)
Do not get too invested, as this revision will never land.