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release: Support GNU stat in

Authored by jrtc27 on Jul 14 2022, 12:14 AM.
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BSD stat and GNU stat differ significantly when it comes to using a
custom format string, both in the option name and in the format string
itself. Handle both here (assuming Linux means GNU stat rather than BSD

Obtained from: CheriBSD

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rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

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Can we just make mkimg(1) to accept a filename as its parameter, basically by stat'ing the file and use that size as capacity instead?

gjb added a subscriber: gjb.

I do not object to the change, but I would prefer to test uname -s against "FreeBSD" and reverse the if/else logic. But I will not complain too loudly about this nit.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 14 2022, 3:03 PM
In D35814#812882, @gjb wrote:

I do not object to the change, but I would prefer to test uname -s against "FreeBSD" and reverse the if/else logic. But I will not complain too loudly about this nit.

macOS wants the FreeBSD behaviour; currently Linux is the exception. I could flip it with != Linux, but if != .. else feels wrong to write.

In D35814#812882, @gjb wrote:

I do not object to the change, but I would prefer to test uname -s against "FreeBSD" and reverse the if/else logic. But I will not complain too loudly about this nit.

macOS wants the FreeBSD behaviour; currently Linux is the exception. I could flip it with != Linux, but if != .. else feels wrong to write.

Nope, that's fine then. I didn't realize the macOS behavior. So you can ignore my suggestion. :)

Can we just make mkimg(1) to accept a filename as its parameter, basically by stat'ing the file and use that size as capacity instead?

It's a bit of an unusual thing to want, and --capacity file would then be strange (especially if the file is of the form [0-9]+, it's then ambiguous). Adding an option just for's use seems a little overkill.

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