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gicv3: Panic if the gicv3 already running

Authored by imp on Feb 23 2024, 4:46 AM.
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Wed, Mar 26, 5:02 PM
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Feb 21 2025, 6:19 PM
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Feb 20 2025, 12:57 PM
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Feb 9 2025, 6:22 PM
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Feb 4 2025, 3:38 AM
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Jan 26 2025, 12:21 PM
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Jan 24 2025, 5:53 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 22 2025, 9:46 PM



Due to undefined behavior, it's impossible to re-program a gicv3 ITS
table once it's programmed once. Memory corruption happens otherwise.
Panic if we detect the LPI is already enabled.

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Could we get into a situation where the first ITS device isn't enabled, but any others are?


I don't think so. We already have a singleton PROPBASER for the whole system before these changes. The children of that singleton (the ITS) should be ordered from 0 up. I cannot think of a way that it would be otherwise, but if there is some way for that not to be the case, then we'd have to do something more defensive. At worst, though, we can know that there will only be one at a time running due to subr_bus only doing the children one at a time. Looking at the probe/attach routines and knowing that fdt and acpi don't have unit numbers, I think we're OK... If you're worried, or have seem something contrary to what I just said, then we can drop back to doing this if conf_table isn't set and relying on subr_bus to only call one of these at a time.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 27 2024, 5:09 PM
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