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inpcb: Properly handle rewrites of classic jail socket source addresses

Authored by markj on May 25 2023, 5:31 PM.
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Fri, Mar 14, 9:24 AM
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Fri, Mar 14, 7:14 AM
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Wed, Mar 12, 11:36 AM
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Tue, Feb 25, 11:03 AM
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Feb 13 2025, 11:15 PM
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Jan 31 2025, 6:21 AM
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Jan 26 2025, 7:08 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 26 2025, 6:59 AM



After finding a jailed match, we need to verify that the local IP
address belongs to the match's jail, if any. Otherwise it becomes
possible for jailed process to accept connections on IPs not belonging
to the jail. This can specifically happen for multi-IP classic jails.
In single-IP classic jails, the local address of a listening socket is
always rewritten to be that of the jail.

Test Plan

I did some manual testing, and wrote some regression test cases which
would have uncovered the bugs:

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

markj requested review of this revision.May 25 2023, 5:31 PM

Jailed sockets with a wildcard local address should have lower priority than non-jailed sockets with a wildcard local address.

Should they? I honestly cannot remember if they should given I haven't really done that in a decade or so given almost all my jailed services get dedicated IPv6 addresses. But I seem to remember that if you tried to ssh to a jail with "overlapping" addresses to the host, you didn't want to accidentally end up on the host (that was the general example used back then).

In D40268#917677, @bz wrote:

Jailed sockets with a wildcard local address should have lower priority than non-jailed sockets with a wildcard local address.

Should they? I honestly cannot remember if they should given I haven't really done that in a decade or so given almost all my jailed services get dedicated IPv6 addresses. But I seem to remember that if you tried to ssh to a jail with "overlapping" addresses to the host, you didn't want to accidentally end up on the host (that was the general example used back then).

Thanks, I believe you're right. The problem is limited to the missing checks in in/in6_pcblookup_hash_wild_smr().

Simply restore missing prison_check_ip* calls.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 30 2023, 12:21 AM