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cam: clear stack-allocated CCB in the target layer

Authored by trasz on May 16 2021, 8:24 PM.
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Mon, Mar 10, 4:43 PM
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Tue, Feb 25, 12:14 PM
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Feb 7 2025, 7:03 AM
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Feb 1 2025, 8:28 AM
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Jan 26 2025, 4:23 AM
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Jan 20 2025, 1:49 PM
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Jan 15 2025, 4:51 AM

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

trasz requested review of this revision.May 16 2021, 8:24 PM
imp requested changes to this revision.May 21 2021, 5:40 PM
imp added inline comments.

we should just use this on the stack, not malloc it. we're not freeing it anyway.


This is leaked


we shouldn't malloc this, but just use it on the stack imho.


this is leaked


well, if not leaked and the xpt_action(), but I don't see the couple of routines I checked do that.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.May 21 2021, 5:40 PM

There might be some deferred action going on here, but I'd rather not do any deeper changes simply because it's unrelated to the problem at hand. I'm not even sure how to test it properly - it probably involves an FC HBA (isp(4)?) in target mode.

imp accepted this revision.EditedJul 5 2021, 4:01 PM

I'm ok splitting the leaks out from this change.
You have to look at a lot more to know for sure if what I flagged is right or not.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 5 2021, 4:01 PM
scottl requested changes to this revision.Jul 5 2021, 6:43 PM
scottl added a subscriber: scottl.

The scsi_ctl.c part needs a lot of work. ctlferegster() is probably allocating the ccb on the stack because it's the peripheral constructor and is being called with locks held, so the original author didn't want to do a malloc(M_WAITOK). This is a pattern in CAM that needs to be fixed but is outside of the scope of this change. I think that that's probably a better to replace the stack allocations with malloc(M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO) and not overthink an out-of-memory situation. But if that's not acceptable, then consider that the ccb is only used for XPT_FE_LUN and doesn't need a full union ccb allocation on the stack. I'm also a bit confused and concerned as to why this function uses different allocation paradigms; pick one and stick with it.


Absolutely disagree. The usage and completion happens in a different context.


Again, this is incorrect advice.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jul 5 2021, 6:43 PM

It is not leaked (at least here), but queued into HBA. It return back to be processed by targbhdone() after request arrival or if aborted. And obviously it should not be on stack for that to work.


this is leaked


Same as above, not leaked but queued.


targbhdone() or something behind should free it.

consider that the ccb is only used for XPT_FE_LUN and doesn't need a full union ccb allocation on the stack.

struct ccb_en_lun should be sufficient there. scsi_target.c is using it already.

I'm also a bit confused and concerned as to why this function uses different allocation paradigms; pick one and stick with it.

XPT_EN_LUN is synchronous (I am not happy about it, but that is what it is), so it is fine to be on stack. Other functions are queued, so they have to be allocated.


Ah, yes. that is true. I'd bogusly thought these were all sync CCBs, and since they are async, my observations (leaked + put on stack) are equally bogus, here and elsewhere... they should be ignored.

So... Scott, are you still against the change as it is?

So... Scott, are you still against the change as it is?

I think that most of the stack allocations and the added memset() should move to malloc(M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO). Among other reasons, allocating an entire CCB can create stack overflow problems in deep call stacks; it's been a recurring problem for 20 years. This should be done first to satisfy what you're trying to achieve. Next step, peripheral construction should move to a taskqueue or thread where calling locks can be dropped and the periph can allocate its memory with M_WAITOK (this suggests a private TQ thread is the best mechanism). That will require an async callback mechanism to indicate to the caller when the periph creation succeeds or fails.

I thought about this, and while I agree in principle with what this should eventually look like, I'd rather stay with the current patch for now. The deficiencies you've identified are real, but they are already there, and I'd prefer to first get finished with UMA CCBs, with minimally intrusive patches like this one, and only after that's done get back to more intrusive stuff. It's just easier to debug (and perhaps merge) this way. Not to mention I don't even have a way to test this code; I believe I'd need two physical isp(4) HBAs with a cable?

(Also: tinderboxed.)

This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Revision.Jul 21 2021, 9:53 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.