audio/din: Updates to 51.1
Changes since 50.2:
DIN Is Noise 51.1:
- improved DIN font * ! fixed drone arrow defaults save/load !
DIN Is Noise 51:
+ drone is anchored or launched on creation anchored means stays fixed at the place of creation launched means 'flies' off based on its velocity and gravity try with Menu > Drone Tools > Add / Wand set at Menu > Drone Params > Defaults + set velocity +/ acceleration vectors of drones to presets via Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Set velocity/acceleration + presets are +ve or -ve vertical, horizontal, velocity, acceleration and zero + auto flip (clock < > anti-clock) auto rotating velocity/acceleration vectors every some degrees + via Menu > Drone Params > Auto flip > Set / Unset / Toggle + default 'every some degrees' is 90 degrees + gravity + presets for gravity vector 0, left, right, up and down + gravity tracks mouse position + click Gravity > Mouse + gravity tracks the first among selected drones + click Gravity > Drone ! as drone selection changes, gravity may track a different drone ! - removed Menu Drone Params > Track gravity + mesh polygon filling per drone color * color of a launched drone is same as color of the launcher * try changing color of the launcher as drones are launched * changed color of velocity/acceleration vectors to move away from green (used for selection) and red (used for errors) * cyan = color of velocity vector of all drones * (reddish) magenta = color of acceleration vector of all drones * changed arrow visualisation of velocity +/ acceleration vector of all drones * Head * edit the position of the arrow tip * can go 'above' the vector tip ie > 1.0 * can go 'below' the drone location ie < 0.0 * can be on the body ie 0 <= tip <= 1.0 * Shoulder Position * edit position of the arrow's shoulder tips * Shoulder Width * edit width of the arrow's shoulder + Cap or Decap the arrow + set default arrow head, shoulder position and width, cap from Menu > Drone Params > Defaults + used when adding & wanding drones + change existing drone's velocity/acceleration vector arrow params via Menu > Drone Params > Visual + improved geometric chuck + on a chuck with N drones, the first N - 1 drones have trail set to 0 + the last drone has trail set to 10000 + toggle auto reset trails + Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Auto reset trails + 2 changes above aid visualisation and experimentation instead of manual trail resize/reset every time after changing a chuck param + toggle chuck outline + click Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Draw chuck outline + aids screenshotting + chuck outline drawn per drone color * default scale/rotate drones center to microtonal keyboard center * default selected range to C Eb + mouse wheel on microtonal keyboard to scroll along horizontal + press SHIFT and scroll to scroll along vertical * short form of echo command is . * improved bpm handling of drone pendulums and meshes * improved drone trail handling/display * close menu after setting modulation direction ! fixed bug in zoom of curve editor when mouse slider is active ! ! fixed draw crosshairs on drone mesh preview !