net-mgmt/netbox: Update to 3.7.2
- Omit sensitive data source parameters from change log data
- Limit the number of assigned IP addresses displayed under interfaces list
Bug Fixes:
- Optimize calculation of available child prefixes & ranges when viewing a prefix
- Fix GraphQL support for interfaces connected to provider networks
- Correct the number of jobs listed for individual report & script modules
- Revert to the default layout when encountering a misconfigured dashboard
- Fix validation of choice values & labels when creating a custom field choice set via the REST API
- Avoid corrupting JSON data when changing the action type while editing an event rule
- Fix form validation error when attempting to terminate a tunnel to a virtual machine interface
- Fix NoReverseMatch exception when rendering a custom field which references a user
- IKE policy mode may be set inly when IKEv1 is selected
- Automatically remove any associated bookmarks when deleting a user
- Include custom fields in REST API representation of data sources
- Add missing "group" field to VPN tunnel creation form
- Fix exception when running report/script via command line due to missing username
- Include button to display available status choices when bulk importing virtual device contexts
- Fix "select all" button for device type components
- Ensure that application & removal of tags is always recorded in an object's change log
- Fix config context rendering for VMs assigned directly to a site (rather than via a cluster)
- Fix "create & add another" link for interface FHRP group assignment
- Pre-populate assigned tenant when allocating next available IP address under prefix view
- Automatically update all VMs when changing a cluster's assigned site
- The can_add() template filter should accept a model (not an instance)