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diff --git a/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c
--- a/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c
+++ b/sys/dev/wg/if_wg.c
@@ -2335,7 +2335,7 @@
if (dst->sa_family == AF_UNSPEC || dst->sa_family == pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT)
memcpy(&af, dst->sa_data, sizeof(af));
- af = dst->sa_family;
+ af = RO_GET_FAMILY(ro, dst);
if (af == AF_UNSPEC) {
xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, af);
@@ -2360,10 +2360,8 @@
xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
return (ret);
- if (parsed_af != af) {
- xmit_err(ifp, m, NULL, AF_UNSPEC);
- return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
- }
+ MPASS(parsed_af == af);
mtu = (ro != NULL && ro->ro_mtu > 0) ? ro->ro_mtu : if_getmtu(ifp);
return (wg_xmit(ifp, m, parsed_af, mtu));
diff --git a/tests/sys/net/ b/tests/sys/net/
--- a/tests/sys/net/
+++ b/tests/sys/net/
@@ -92,6 +92,84 @@
+atf_test_case "wg_basic_crossaf" "cleanup"
+ atf_set descr 'Create a wg(4) tunnel and pass IPv4 traffic over an IPv6 nexthop'
+ atf_set require.user root
+ local epair pri1 pri2 pub1 pub2 wg1 wg2
+ local endpoint1 endpoint2 tunnel1 tunnel2
+ local testnet testlocal testremote
+ kldload -n if_wg || atf_skip "This test requires if_wg and could not load it"
+ pri1=$(wg genkey)
+ pri2=$(wg genkey)
+ endpoint1=
+ endpoint2=
+ tunnel1=2001:db8:1::1
+ tunnel2=2001:db8:1::2
+ testnet=
+ testlocal=
+ testremote=
+ epair=$(vnet_mkepair)
+ vnet_init
+ vnet_mkjail wgtest1 ${epair}a
+ vnet_mkjail wgtest2 ${epair}b
+ jexec wgtest1 ifconfig ${epair}a ${endpoint1}/24 up
+ jexec wgtest2 ifconfig ${epair}b ${endpoint2}/24 up
+ wg1=$(jexec wgtest1 ifconfig wg create)
+ echo "$pri1" | jexec wgtest1 wg set $wg1 listen-port 12345 \
+ private-key /dev/stdin
+ pub1=$(jexec wgtest1 wg show $wg1 public-key)
+ wg2=$(jexec wgtest2 ifconfig wg create)
+ echo "$pri2" | jexec wgtest2 wg set $wg2 listen-port 12345 \
+ private-key /dev/stdin
+ pub2=$(jexec wgtest2 wg show $wg2 public-key)
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore \
+ jexec wgtest1 wg set $wg1 peer "$pub2" \
+ endpoint ${endpoint2}:12345 allowed-ips ${tunnel2}/128,${testnet}
+ atf_check -s exit:0 \
+ jexec wgtest1 ifconfig $wg1 inet6 ${tunnel1}/64 up
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore \
+ jexec wgtest2 wg set $wg2 peer "$pub1" \
+ endpoint ${endpoint1}:12345 allowed-ips ${tunnel1}/128,${testnet}
+ atf_check -s exit:0 \
+ jexec wgtest2 ifconfig $wg2 inet6 ${tunnel2}/64 up
+ atf_check -s exit:0 jexec wgtest1 ifconfig $wg1 inet ${testlocal}/32
+ atf_check -s exit:0 jexec wgtest2 ifconfig $wg2 inet ${testremote}/32
+ # Generous timeout since the handshake takes some time.
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore jexec wgtest1 ping -c 1 -t 5 "$tunnel2"
+ # Setup our IPv6 endpoint and routing
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore \
+ jexec wgtest1 route add -inet ${testnet} -inet6 "$tunnel2"
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore \
+ jexec wgtest2 route add -inet ${testnet} -inet6 "$tunnel1"
+ # Now ping an address on the other side
+ atf_check -s exit:0 -o ignore jexec wgtest1 ping -c 1 -t 3 ${testremote}
+ vnet_cleanup
atf_test_case "wg_basic_netmap" "cleanup"
@@ -349,6 +427,7 @@
atf_add_test_case "wg_basic"
+ atf_add_test_case "wg_basic_crossaf"
atf_add_test_case "wg_basic_netmap"
atf_add_test_case "wg_key_peerdev_shared"
atf_add_test_case "wg_key_peerdev_makeshared"

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 20, 9:18 PM (18 h, 39 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
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D49172.diff (3 KB)

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