+Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies have become increasingly prevalent in today's world, much like the proliferation of ChatGPT.
+We are working on developing a ChatGPT plugin that can access the latest FreeBSD data, transforming ChatGPT into a FreeBSD expert system.
+We have already scripted data cleaning and built an embedded model to search for relevant information.
+Nevertheless, we require assistance for the following aspects of these projects:
+1. While I am not an expert in Machine Learning or Deep Learning, we encounter numerous challenges in these domains, such as the adequacy of data cleaning and uncertainties in the final plugin development process.
+link:https://github.com/Wang-Yan-Hao/man_page_editor[FreeBSD Online Man Page Editor] URL: link:https://github.com/Wang-Yan-Hao/man_page_editor[]
+Contact: Yan-Hao Wang <bses30074@gmail.com>
+Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu@FreeBSD.org>
+Currently, our document translation process involves using Weblate and direct editing of the link:https://cgit.freebsd.org/doc/[doc] repository.
+We acknowledge that this process can be somewhat cumbersome, so we are striving to offer a more convenient alternative, similar to what the wiki community does.
+Introducing the Online Document Editor and Man Page Editor, a user-friendly, WYSIWYG static site designed for translating documents and man pages.
+Our goal is to consolidate all translation functions within a single platform, making the translation process as straightforward as possible.
+However, we still require assistance with these two projects, as follows:
+1. The Document editor and Man page editor were developed using simple JavaScript.
+We are seeking a web developer to assess the code's efficiency since I (Yan-Hao Wang) am not well-versed in front-end development.
+2. We are also seeking a cybersecurity developer to assist us in identifying and addressing security issues within these two projects.
+This is crucial to ensure the secure hosting of these projects and mitigate any potential vulnerabilities.
+3. As there is currently no existing JavaScript library to render mandoc, I had to create my own.
+However, there are still some concealed errors during the editing process.
+We are in need of a JavaScript developer to help rectify these rendering issues.