The man:md[4] device [.filename]#md99# is used, leaving lower device numbers available for interactive use.
. Swap space will be added on system startup. To add swap space immediately, use man:swapon[8]:
@@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@
# acpidump -dt > name-system.asl
Substitute the login name for _name_ and manufacturer/model for _system_. For example, use [.filename]#njl-FooCo6000.asl#.
Most FreeBSD developers watch the {freebsd-current}, but one should submit problems to {freebsd-acpi} to be sure it is seen. Be patient when waiting for a response. If the bug is not immediately apparent, submit a bug report. When entering a PR, include the same information as requested above. This helps developers to track the problem and resolve it. Do not send a PR without emailing {freebsd-acpi} first as it is likely that the problem has been reported before.