. Submit the diff file using the web-based https://bugs.FreeBSD.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Documentation[Problem Report] system. If using the web form, enter a Summary of _[patch] short description of problem_. Select the Component `Documentation`. In the Description field, enter a short description of the changes and any important details about them. Use the btn:[Add an attachment] button to attach the diff file. Finally, use the btn:[Submit Bug] button to submit your diff to the problem report system.
-=== GNU/Linux installation process
+=== macOS and GNU/Linux installation process
@@ -125,7 +125,22 @@
Hugo version 0.90 or higher must be used
-. Install these packages in apt-based systems like Debian or Ubuntu.
+. *_For macOS_*
+Use Homebrew and RubyGem to install these packages.