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diff --git a/sys/kern/ b/sys/kern/
--- a/sys/kern/
+++ b/sys/kern/
@@ -34,84 +34,43 @@
exit 1
- echo "#ifndef _OFFSET_INC_"
- echo "#define _OFFSET_INC_"
- echo "#if !defined(GENOFFSET) && (!defined(KLD_MODULE) || defined(KLD_TIED))"
- ${NM:='nm'} ${NMFLAGS} "$1" | ${AWK:='awk'} '
- / C .*_datatype_*/ {
- type = substr($3, match($3, "_datatype_") + length("_datatype_"))
- }
- / C .*_parenttype_*/ {
- parent = substr($3, match($3, "_parenttype_") + length("_parenttype_"))
- }
- / C .*sign$/ {
- sign = substr($1, length($1) - 3, 4)
- sub("^0*", "", sign)
- if (sign != "")
- sign = "-"
- }
- / C .*w0$/ {
- w0 = substr($1, length($1) - 3, 4)
- }
- / C .*w1$/ {
- w1 = substr($1, length($1) - 3, 4)
- }
- / C .*w2$/ {
- w2 = substr($1, length($1) - 3, 4)
- }
- / C .*w3$/ {
- w3 = substr($1, length($1) - 3, 4)
- w = w3 w2 w1 w0
- sub("^0*", "", w)
- if (w == "")
- w = "0"
- hex = ""
- if (w != "0")
- hex = "0x"
- sub("w3$", "", $3)
- member = tolower($3)
- # This still has minor problems representing INT_MIN, etc.
- # E.g.,
- # with 32-bit 2''s complement ints, this prints -0x80000000,
- # which has the wrong type (unsigned int).
- offset = sprintf("%s%s%s", sign, hex, w)
+ local last off x1 x2 x3 struct field type lastoff lasttype
- structures[parent] = sprintf("%s%s %s %s\n",
- structures[parent], offset, type, member)
- }
- END {
- for (struct in structures) {
- printf("struct %s_lite {\n", struct);
- n = split(structures[struct], members, "\n")
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
- split(members[i], ivar, " ")
- split(members[j], jvar, " ")
- if (jvar[1] < ivar[1]) {
- tmp = members[i]
- members[i] = members[j]
- members[j] = tmp
- }
- }
- }
- off = "0"
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- split(members[i], m, " ")
- printf "\tu_char\tpad_%s[%s - %s];\n", m[3], m[1], off
- printf "\t%s\t%s;\n", m[2], m[3]
- off = sprintf("(%s + sizeof(%s))", m[1], m[2])
- }
- printf("};\n");
- }
- }
- '
- echo "#endif"
- echo "#endif"
+ echo "#ifndef _OFFSET_INC_"
+ echo "#define _OFFSET_INC_"
+ echo "#if !defined(GENOFFSET) && (!defined(KLD_MODULE) || defined(KLD_TIED))"
+ last=
+ temp=$(mktemp -d genoffset.XXXXX)
+ trap "rm -rf ${temp}" EXIT
+ # Note: we need to print symbol values in decimal so the numeric sort works
+ ${NM:='nm'} ${NMFLAGS} -t d "$1" | grep __assym_offset__ | sed -e 's/__/ /g' | sort -k 4 -k 1 -n |
+ while read off x1 x2 struct field type x3; do
+ off=$(echo "$off" | sed -E 's/^0+//')
+ if [ "$last" != "$struct" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$last" ]; then
+ echo "};"
+ fi
+ echo "struct ${struct}_lite {"
+ last=$struct
+ printf "%b" "\tu_char\tpad_${field}[${off}];\n"
+ else
+ printf "%b" "\tu_char\tpad_${field}[${off} - (${lastoff} + sizeof(${lasttype}))];\n"
+ fi
+ printf "%b" "\t${type}\t${field};\n"
+ lastoff="$off"
+ lasttype="$type"
+ echo "_SA(${struct}, ${field}, ${off});" >> "$temp/asserts"
+ done
+ echo "};"
+ echo "#define _SA(s,f,o) _Static_assert(__builtin_offsetof(struct s ## _lite, f) == o, \\"
+ printf '\t"struct "#s"_lite field "#f" not at offset "#o)\n'
+ cat "$temp/asserts"
+ echo "#undef _SA"
+ echo "#endif"
+ echo "#endif"
@@ -126,7 +85,7 @@
*) usage;;
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
case $# in
1) ;;
*) usage;;
@@ -134,8 +93,8 @@
if [ "$use_outfile" = "yes" ]
- work $1 3>"$outfile" >&3 3>&-
+ work "$1" 3>"$outfile" >&3 3>&-
- work $1
+ work "$1"
diff --git a/sys/sys/assym.h b/sys/sys/assym.h
--- a/sys/sys/assym.h
+++ b/sys/sys/assym.h
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
#define OFFSYM(name, parenttype, datatype) \
-ASSYM(name, offsetof(struct parenttype, name)); \
-char name ## _datatype_ ## datatype [1]; \
-char name ## _parenttype_ ## parenttype [1]; \
+char __assym_offset__ ## parenttype ## __ ## name ## __ ## datatype [offsetof(struct parenttype, name)]; \
CTASSERT(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof(((struct parenttype *)(0x0))-> name), datatype)); \
OFFSET_CTASSERT(offsetof(struct parenttype, name) == offsetof(struct parenttype ## _lite, name))

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Feb 6, 9:43 AM (22 h, 1 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D31203.diff (4 KB)

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