See the crossref:uses[uses-tcl,`USES=tcl`] and crossref:uses[uses-tk,`USES=tk`] of crossref:uses[uses,Using `USES` Macros] for a full description of those variables.
A complete list of those variables is available in [.filename]#/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/
-== Using Ruby
-.Useful Variables for Ports That Use Ruby
-[cols="1,1", frame="none", options="header"]
-| Variable
-| Description
-|Adds build and run dependencies on Ruby.
-|The port uses [.filename]#extconf.rb# to configure.
-|The port uses [.filename]#setup.rb# to configure.
-|Override the name of the setup script from [.filename]#setup.rb#. Another common value is [.filename]#install.rb#.
-This table shows the selected variables available to port authors via the ports infrastructure.
-These variables are used to install files into their proper locations.
-Use them in [.filename]#pkg-plist# as much as possible.
-Do not redefine these variables in the port.
-.Selected Read-Only Variables for Ports That Use Ruby
-[cols="1,1,1", frame="none", options="header"]
-| Variable
-| Description
-| Example value
-|Used as a `PKGNAMEPREFIX` to distinguish packages for different Ruby versions.
-|Full version of Ruby in the form of `x.y.z[.p]`.