Here are some examples of the environments in which FreeBSD is used:
-* *Internet services.* Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) find FreeBSD ideal, running WWW, Usenet news, FTP, Email, and other services. Ready-to-run software like the[nginx] or[Apache] web server or the[ProFTPD] or[vsftpd] FTP server make it easy to set up a business or community-centered ISP. Of course, with FreeBSD's unbeatable link:../internet/[networking], your users will enjoy high speed, reliable services.
-* *X Window workstation.* From an inexpensive X terminal to an advanced X display, FreeBSD works quite well. Free X software ([X.Org](T)) comes with the system.[nVidia] offers native drivers for their high-performance graphics hardware, and the industry standard[Motif](R) and[OpenGL](R) libraries are supported. The[Xfce] and[LXDE] products provide a desktop environment. The[KDE] and[GNOME] desktop environments also enjoy full support and provide office suite functionality, with further good functionality available in the[LibreOffice],[OpenOffice.Org] and[TextMaker] products.
+* *Internet services.* Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) find FreeBSD ideal, running WWW, Usenet news, FTP, Email, and other services. Ready-to-run software like the[NGINX] or[Apache] web server or the[ProFTPD] or[vsftpd] FTP server make it easy to set up a business or community-centered ISP. Of course, with FreeBSD's unbeatable link:../internet/[networking], your users will enjoy high speed, reliable services.
+* *X Window workstation.* From an inexpensive X terminal to an advanced X display, FreeBSD works quite well. Free X software ([X.Org](T)) comes with the system.[NVIDIA] offers native drivers for their high-performance graphics hardware, and the industry standard[Motif](R) and[OpenGL](R) libraries are supported. The[Xfce] and[LXDE] products provide a desktop environment. The[KDE] and[GNOME] desktop environments also enjoy full support and provide office suite functionality, with further good functionality available in the[LibreOffice],[OpenOffice.Org] and[TextMaker] products.
* *Networking.* From packet filtering to routing to name service, FreeBSD can turn any PC into a Internet firewall, email host, print server, PC/NFS server, and more.
* *Software development.* A suite of development tools comes with FreeBSD, including the GNU C/C++ compiler and debugger. The LLVM-based clang suite is also provided and will eventually replace the GNU suite. Java(R) and Tcl/Tk development are also possible for example, and more esoteric programming languages like Icon work just fine, too. And FreeBSD's shared libraries have always been easy to make and use. You can also choose from a wide range of popular and powerful editors, such as Emacs and Vim.
* *Net surfing.* A real UNIX workstation makes a great Internet surfboard. FreeBSD versions of[Chromium] and[Firefox] are available for serious web users. Surf the web, publish your own web pages, read Usenet news, and send and receive email with a FreeBSD system on your desktop.
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