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mtw.4: Make style consistent with other manuals

Authored by ziaee on Feb 9 2025, 8:33 PM.
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Tue, Mar 18, 1:25 AM
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Sun, Mar 2, 6:29 PM
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Tue, Feb 25, 9:17 PM


Group Reviewers

Fixes: c14b016242613 (importing if_mtw from OpenBSD)

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Event Timeline

ziaee requested review of this revision.Feb 9 2025, 8:33 PM

capitalized t in MediaTek, added "IEEE 802.11n" to Dd to match other
wireless network drivers.

except, for real this time

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 9 2025, 9:58 PM

still approved, land when ready :)

Thanks! I can't land it until carlavilla or mhorne stamp it.

Add synopsis and sysctl variables, markup station and monitor as command
modifiers like in other manuals, add USB to document description, add
Reported by: adrian on Community Discord to commit message for
teaching me more about reading source to write the synopsis.

This revision now requires review to proceed.Feb 10 2025, 3:17 AM

USB comes before IEEE in "USB IEEE 802.11 wireless network driver".


Standard text for drivers which are also available as dynamically-loaded modules.


I only looked quickly, but I cannot find any precedent for adding this to SYSNOPSIS. The knob can be described fully in the later section.


The most beautiful case is vt(4), and a similar one is in safe(4). We use many styles, but I think this is the most useful and consistent implementation for section four for the notion of what a synopsis is in other sections of the manual. Synopsis does not describe what the stuff does or how to use it, it just shows the knobs. When you already know, you can just briefly glance at the synopsis. I think this syntax as used in vt(4) is perfect.


I'm still learning more about this, but my understanding is that we're no longer recommending explicitly loading wifi drivers at early boot with loader.conf.

Iiuc, only if driver autoloading is explicitly disabled, then it is recommended to put it in kld_list in rc.conf. See rtw88, rtw89, and iwlwifi.

This recommendation seems very sensible to me, however I do not like how the concept of a synopsis is changing and so I have elected to not do that here. Synopsis is not meant to be paragraphs, it's a quick listing of what all the options are to just peek at quickly while you're typing.

address reviewer feedback. In addition, I have taken the new
advice starting in newer wifi drivers, and integrated it with
my ideal of the optimum synopsis style for the Kernel Interfaces
Manual in consideration of the meaning of synopsis in the General
Commands Manual and the System Manager's Manual. Cc'ing bz for critique since he iiuc invented the new idea about loading with devmatch or rc.conf

ziaee marked an inline comment as done and an inline comment as not done.Feb 11 2025, 2:50 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 11 2025, 3:08 PM
mhorne added inline comments.

You are right, kld_list should be preferred here, and achieves the intended result. Thanks!

I do not disagree with you about what SYNOPSIS means in the ideal sense, but there is a practical precedent within the section 4 drivers. In this scope, SYNOPSIS must answer the question: "how does one enable this driver?". Whether the boilerplate text is clumsy or not, it is widespread in these manuals.


Very good, I agree!