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- Reviewers
salvadore pauamma_gundo.com - Group Reviewers
status - Commits
- R9:00e9a6b8f55c: Status/2024Q4/ec2.adoc: Add report
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- Repository
- R9 FreeBSD doc repository
- Lint
Lint Skipped - Unit
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Buildable 61209 Build 58093: arc lint + arc unit
Event Timeline
website/content/en/status/report-2024-10-2024-12/ec2.adoc | ||
10 | For accessibility, could you add some hard figures here? The alt text in the https://www.daemonology.net/freebsd-ec2-boot-performance/ graphs doesn't have any figures. |
Comment Actions
Approved, thanks!
I do not commit it myself now so that you can still add the figures suggested by @pauamma_gundo.com if you wish.
Comment Actions
@salvadore I'll commit this as it is at the same time as I commit D48114 unless I hear otherwise from you.